Utthita Parsvakonasana

Utthita Parsvakonasana – 4 Parsva means side or flank. Kona is an angle. This is the extended lateral angle pose. Technique 1. Stand in Tadasana. Take a deep inhalation and with a jump spread the legs apart sideways 4 to 4i feet. Raise the arms sideways, in line with the shoulders, palms facing down. (Plate […]

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Parivrtta Trikonasana

Parivrtta Trikonasana – 5 Parivrtta means revolved, turned round or back. Trikona is a triangle. This is the revolving triangle posture. It is a counter-pose to Uttihita Trikonasana. Technique 1 . Stand in Tadasana. Take a deep inhalation and with a jump spread the legs apart sideways 3 to 3! feet. Raise the arms sideways, […]

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Uttihita Trikonasana

Uttihita Trikonasana – 1 Uttihita means extended, stretched. Trikona is triangle. This standing Asana is extended triangle pose. Technique I . Stand in Tadasana. 2. Inhale deeply and with a jump spread apart the legs sideways 3 to 3! feet. Raise the arms sideways, in line with the shoulders, palms facing down. Keep the arms […]

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