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The Evolution, Structure, And Function of The Nervous System

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Diagram Illustration by Collective Unconscious


The Evolution, Structure, And Function of The Nervous System

We find it useful to define Twenty-four Stages of Neural Evolution: Twelve Terrestrial (governal) and Twelve Post-terrestrial Cyber quantum.

Let the first twelve neurogenetic stages describe the evolution of life on this planet from single-celled organisms up to the most advanced insect and human societies and the development of the individual from birth through larval maturity, to complete hive socialization in the industrial society.

In the preceding section we have defined eight periods of human evolution.

Four are collective-terrestrial and four are cyber-quantum designed for Info-worlds and beyond.

Let the goal of evolution be Higher Intelligence — the sequential development of the nervous system — increasingly capable of receiving, integrating and transmitting a wider spectrum of signals of greater intensity, complexity and speed.

The more intelligent the collective species, the greater the capability of adapting and surviving. Bodies are vehicles for transporting brains and seed. Bodies evolve to house and transport brains and sperm-ova more efficiently.

The genetic code has pre-programmed the nervous system to evolve in metamorphic stages. The basic strategies of evolution are metamorphosis and migration.

The sequential emergence of neural circuits in the individual human recapitulates the phylogenetic appearance of nervous systems of greater complexity.

In studying the evolution of nervous systems it becomes obvious that a three-part developmental sequence occurs.

  • Passive reception-consumerism
  • Active integration
  • Interactive transmission-fusion

The neuron, which is the basic unit of biological intelligence, possesses three anatomical and functional divisions; the dendritic system which receives signals, the cell-body of the neuron which stores, integrates, interprets incoming signals and the axon which transmits the message. Each neuron, each circuit, and, indeed, the nervous system in its totality is divided into these three functions.

At the lowest level of unicellular and invertebrate life these three functions operate for the survival of the collective, but, at the higher stages of evolution, communication and fusions among individuals become more important for survival.

As each neural circuit emerges during the development of the individual, the passive consumer, receptive, input phase is the first to appear. The active integrating phase follows and the organized transmission linking of the organism to others is the third phase.

The development of the larval individual proceeds, therefore, through twelve phases (4 circuits x 3 orientations). Post-terrestrial, info-cyber-evolution also proceeds through twelve stages (4 x 3).

These twenty-four stages are both phylogenetic and ontological. The first twelve neurogenetic stages describe the evolution of life on this planet from single-celled organisms up to the most advanced insect and human societies and the development of the individual from birth through larval maturity, complete hive socialization.

A detailed description of these stages will be found in the book The Game of Life.

The Tarot, The Zodiac, The I Ching, The playing card deck, The Greco-Roman Olympic Pantheon, The Hebrew Alphabet, Icon Systems

These cultural icon systems are seen as crude psycho-logical neuro-symbolic expressions by the pre-scientific culture of the model of galactic evolution which is based on the table of atomic elements. These “occult” systems are proto-scientific attempts to predict the course of evolution of life on and off the planet and can be seen as neuro-cultural communication systems in which humanity symbolizes natural laws.

Info-Exo-psychology is a primer concerned with outlining eight major sequences of neurological evolution. A detailed description of the 24 stages will be found in The Game of Life, to which the interested reader is referred.


[1]. Leary, T. (1987). Info-Psychology. New Falcon Press, Los Angeles.

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