Gimel (ג)

Gimel In the Kabalah, the 22 Paths (named after the letters of the Hebrew alphabet) connect the ten Sephiroth on the “Tree of Life.” The third is the Path of Gimel (ג), which connects Kether with Tiphareth. The 22 paths are: 11 Aleph, 12 Beth, 13 Gimel, 14 Daleth, 15 Hé, 16 Vau, 17 Zain, […]

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Beth (ב)

Beth In the Kabalah, the 22 Paths (named after the letters of the Hebrew alphabet) connect the ten Sephiroth on the “Tree of Life.” The second is the Path of Beth (ב), which connects Kether with Binah. The 22 paths are: 11 Aleph, 12 Beth, 13 Gimel, 14 Daleth, 15 Hé, 16 Vau, 17 Zain, […]

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Aleph (א)

Aleph In the Kabalah, the 22 Paths (named after the letters of the Hebrew alphabet) connect the ten Sephiroth on the “Tree of Life.” The first is the Path of Aleph (א), which connects Kether with Chokmah. The 22 paths are: 11 Aleph, 12 Beth, 13 Gimel, 14 Daleth, 15 Hé, 16 Vau, 17 Zain, […]

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Malkuth In the Qabalah, Malkuth is the final of the ten Sephiroth on the “Tree of Life.” Its meaning in Hebrew is Kingdom. The other Sephiroth are: Kether, Chokmah, Binah, Chesed, Tiphareth, Geburah, Netzach, Hod, and Yesod. Qabalistic Attributions Key Scale: 10 Name: Malkuth (Kingdom) Astrology: Earth Godforms Tarot Egyptian (selection): Seb. Lower (i.e. unwedded) Isis […]

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Yesod In the Qabalah, Yesod is the ninth of the ten Sephiroth on the “Tree of Life.” Its meaning in Hebrew is Foundation. The other Sephiroth are: Kether, Chokmah, Binah, Chesed, Tiphareth, Geburah, Netzach, Hod, and Malkuth. Qabalistic Attributions Key Scale: 9 Name: Yesod (Foundation) Chakra: Svadhisthana (Sexual Organ) Astrology: Luna Godforms Tarot Egyptian (selection): Shu […]

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Hod In the Qabalah, Hod is the eighth of the ten Sephiroth on the “Tree of Life.” Its meaning in Hebrew is Splendour. The other Sephiroth are: Kether, Chokmah, Binah, Chesed, Tiphareth, Geburah, Netzach, Yesod, and Malkuth. Qabalistic Attributions Key Scale: 8 Name: Hod (Splendour) Astrology: Mercury Godforms Tarot Egyptian (selection): Anubis Egyptian (practical): Thoth Hindu: […]

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Netzach In the Qabalah, Netzach is the seventh of the ten Sephiroth on the “Tree of Life.” Its meaning in Hebrew is Victory. The other Sephiroth are: Kether, Chokmah, Binah, Chesed, Geburah, Tiphareth, Hod, Yesod, and Malkuth. Qabalistic Attributions Key Scale: 7 Name: Netzach (Victory) Astrology: Venus Godforms Tarot Egyptian (selection): Hathoor Egyptian (practical): Hathoor […]

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Tiphareth In the Qabalah, Tiphareth is the sixth of the ten Sephiroth on the “Tree of Life.” Its meaning in Hebrew is Beauty. The other Sephiroth are: Kether, Chokmah, Binah, Chesed, Geburah, Netzach, Hod, Yesod, and Malkuth. Qabalistic Attributions Key Scale: 6 Name: Tiphareth (Beauty) Astrology: Sol Godforms Tarot Egyptian (selection): Asar, Ra [On, Hrumachis] […]

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Geburah In the Qabalah, Geburah is the fifth of the ten Sephiroth on the “Tree of Life.” Its meaning in Hebrew is Strength. The other Sephiroth are: Kether, Chokmah, Binah, Chesed, Tiphareth, Netzach, Hod, Yesod, and Malkuth. Qabalistic Attributions Key Scale: 5 Name: Geburah (Strength) Chakra: Anahata (Heart) Astrology: Mars Godforms Tarot Egyptian (selection): Horus, […]

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Chesed In the Qabalah, Chesed is the fourth of the ten Sephiroth on the “Tree of Life.” Its meaning in Hebrew is Mercy. Chesed is also known as Gedulah (Majesty). The other Sephiroth are: Kether, Chokmah, Binah, Geburah, Tiphareth, Netzach, Hod, Yesod, and Malkuth. Qabalistic Attributions Key Scale: 4 Name: Chesed (Mercy) Chakra: Anahata (heart) […]

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