
  • Thomas posted an update 1 year, 6 months ago

    Im not sure if anyone will read this. Im new to this group. I been meaning to write down my journey towards gnosis. So if anything I thank you for encouraging me to do this now. I was born and raised Roman Catholic. I broke away in 2007. Of course I was told I would go to hell and I needed to remain Catholic. I just knew Roman Catholicism was not…[Read more]

  • Thomas became a registered member 1 year, 6 months ago

  • nufan942 completed the step “Register to website” of the badge Patron 1 year, 6 months ago


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    The following generic scheme would apply to Patrons:

    • Only have access to public events
    • Only have access to public forums & contents
  • Patron

    This is the Patron badge that is given to members upon completing the registration process.
    The following generic scheme would apply to Patrons:

    • Only have access to public events
    • Only have access to public forums & contents

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