What is Arishadvargas ?!

Arishadvargas Arishadvarga — the six passions of mind or enemies including desire, Kama (lust), Krodha (anger), Lobha (greed), Moha (delusion), Mada (pride) and Matsarya (jealousy), the negative characteristics which prevent man from realizing the atman (Reality that is his True Being). Kama kāma or kām, (Sanskrit: काम, “self-indulgence; sensual gratification; pleasure; lust”) — the passionate […]

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The Chakra System

Chakra The word chakra is Sanskrit (चक्र) for “wheel” and refers to energy centers that exist in the physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies. These force centers are points of connections at which energy flows from one body of a man to another. At each chakra, the concentrated energy spins around a central point, like a […]

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What is Antakarana ?!

Antakarana The Antakarana are our inner psychic qualities or components. They include Mana, Buddhi, Chitta and Ahamkara. Manas Mana is the mind or the thinking substance. We are to purify it by being careful to have only positive thoughts. Endeavor to think positively and with love, no matter what is happening. Buddhi Buddhi is the […]

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